QlikView/Qlik Sense Software Review

QlikView vs. Qlik Sense

To understand the differences between QlikView and Qlik Sense:

  1. Focus on the distinct features of each software.
  2. Benefit from knowing the unique qualities of QlikView and Qlik Sense to make the best decision for your business needs.
  3. Explore the comparison between this two software to gain an informed understanding.

Features of QlikView

QlikView’s Functionality

QlikView is a comprehensive business analytics tool that facilitates the analysis process with dynamic and interactive dashboards. In addition, it offers robust data exploration capabilities, rapid data modeling, and simplified report distribution.

Furthermore, QlikView allows users to combine numerous data sources into one cohesive platform, helping to streamline information access for improved decision-making processes. The solution also enables profound insights into analytical dashboards using internal logic engines that minimize errors.

To optimize the user experience, QlikView outlines several GUI features like drag-and-drop ease of use, associative search and filtering, storyboard creation for collaborative sharing, and more.

For businesses aiming to gain efficiency within their analytics endeavor or watch their progress with automated dashboards, Qlikview can be a perfect choice.

Qlik Sense: who needs boring old spreadsheets when you can have visually stunning data exploration?

Features of Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense provides a range of intuitive and interactive features. Users are empowered with complex information management and data analysis that is both customizable and adaptive. Qlik Sense offers auto-associative models and machine-learning algorithms based on the user’s preferences.

AI integrations enable advanced data analytics capabilities such as natural language processing, defining ontologies, or handling unstructured data challenges.

Additionally, Qlik Sense has a unique visualization approach offering strong flexibility and customization capabilities, including customized themes, color schemes, font choices, etc. This ensures users can customize visualizations according to their business needs.

Did you know that, According to Datanyze, over 68k websites use QlikView?

Choosing between QlikView and Qlik Sense is like choosing between a vintage car and a brand-new Tesla – both have their charm, but one is more modern and efficient.

Comparison between QlikView and Qlik Sense

QlikView vs. Qlik Sense are two powerful business intelligence tools offered by Qlik. Both tools have unique features, and it’s crucial to understand which tool suits your organization’s needs. QlikView is a mature product offering pixel-perfect reports with guided analytics capabilities.

At the same time, Qlik Sense provides self-service analytics for quick insight discovery and user-friendly and interactive data visualizations.

QlikView is a business intelligence tool best suited for organizations that require complex data analysis and ad-hoc reporting capabilities with a centralized approach. It has been in the market for over a decade, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions with its pioneering technology.

On the other hand, Qlik Sense is a newer tool designed for decentralized data analysis – ideal for an organization where employees need agile access to data without depending on IT personnel.

It offers an ease-of-use interface with drag-and-drop features, making discovering new insights from visuals or charts easy.

Unique details such as scalability were not covered before. One of the drawbacks of QlikView is that it doesn’t scale well when dealing with more massive datasets, requiring specialized hardware and hiring expert consultants.

On the other hand, QlikSense offers optional in-memory processing that allows it to handle large volumes of data efficiently.

To better use either tool, you should consider combining their strengths; start developing in-depth reports using QlikView, then use Qlik Sense as an end-user visualization engine upfront – whose discovery Dashboard feature provides excellent Data storytelling.

Choosing between QlikView and Qlik Sense is like choosing between a Ferrari and a Lamborghini – you can’t go wrong. Still, it’s all about personal preference and what you want in a data analytics tool.

Pros and Cons of using QlikView/Qlik Sense

To weigh the benefits and drawbacks of using QlikView/Qlik Sense, delve into the pros and cons section. With its sub-sections like Advantages of QlikView, Disadvantages of QlikView, Advantages of Qlik Sense, and Disadvantages of Qlik Sense, the section will provide an insight into the software and help you choose the best application for your needs.

Advantages of QlikView

QlikView is a popular business intelligence tool that has many benefits for companies. Here are six advantages of using QlikView for data analysis:

  • Easy to Use Interface: QlikView has a simple, user-friendly interface that allows users to navigate data and create customized reports and visualizations easily.
  • Faster Data Analysis: Using QlikView, users can analyze data much faster than traditional reporting tools because it performs in-memory data processing. This enables quick access to information without any delay.
  • Data Visualization: QlikView offers various visualization options that help users better understand complex data sets. It provides dynamic charts, graphs, and interactive dashboards that are easy to understand and use.
  • Data Consistency: QlikView ensures data consistency across different departments by creating a central repository for all business information. This helps prevent conflicting information from causing confusion among employees or stakeholders.
  • Better Decision Making: With QlikView, businesses can make informed decisions by analyzing real-time information on demand, reducing the risk of errors due to outdated or inaccurate data.
  • Cost-Effective Analytics: Compared to other BI tools in the market, QlikView is an affordable option that delivers robust analytics capabilities at a reasonable cost.

In addition to these benefits, QlikView offers features like mobile accessibility and flexible deployment options. Proper training can maximize the potential of these features.

To get the most out of QlikView, companies should also consider investing in regular updates and upgrades to stay up-to-date with new features and functionality. Companies can improve their business intelligence capabilities and stay ahead of market competitors by making this investment.

Using QlikView is like having a personal trainer for your data, but unfortunately, it’s also like having a personal chef who only knows how to cook broccoli.

Disadvantages of QlikView

QlikView Downsides Disclosed

QlikView is considered a top-notch data visualization tool, yet exhibits certain limitations.

  • It has a steep learning curve that demands expertise in several domains – data modeling, scripting, and GUI design.
  • QlikView applications may consume an immense amount of RAM, causing system instability and crashes.
  • Even though the software provides extensive support for multiple platforms, users must purchase additional licenses to access various devices.

Additionally, QlikView’s pricing structure is complicated and not understandable, making budget allocation difficult. Finally, its lack of customization tools requires third-party add-ons or extensions for features like scheduling loads or managing user authentication.

To explore the other ins and outs of using QlikView/Qlik Sense, continue reading our in-depth evaluation of its Pros and Cons. Don’t miss out on crucial information when choosing your BI solution!

Qlik Sense: Making data analysis less boring than watching paint dry.

Advantages of Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense is a powerful business intelligence tool with several distinct market advantages.

  1. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for non-technical users to build and explore data visualizations.
  2. Its Associative Engine allows for real-time data exploration and analysis of complex relationships between different data sets.
  3. It offers advanced security features with granular control over user permissions and data access.
  4. Qlik’s open APIs allow seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure, extending the tool’s capabilities to fit any unique business need.

Finally, Qlik Sense offers responsive design with full mobile support, ensuring that insights and analysis can be accessed anywhere.

In addition to these benefits, Qlik Sense provides various customization options, such as custom themes, chart types, and extensions that can enhance the overall user experience.

As businesses seek dynamic solutions that enable them to make informed decisions rapidly, using Qlik Sense becomes increasingly essential. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your organization with unparalleled insights garnered through advanced analytics. Invest in QlikSense today!

Qlik Sense may leave you senseless with its complex data modeling and steep learning curve.

Disadvantages of Qlik Sense

While Qlik Sense has various advantages, it also has some drawbacks.

  • Limitations in Data Governance: Qlik Sense lacks robust data governance capabilities, making managing data quality across an organization challenging.
  • Steep Learning Curve: The user interface and scripting language for Qlik Sense can be overwhelming for new users, requiring extensive training and time investment.
  • High Cost: Compared to other business intelligence tools available in the market, Qlik Sense is relatively expensive.

It’s worth noting that while these are significant disadvantages, they do not necessarily negate the value of implementing Qlik Sense within an organization. Despite these challenges, businesses can still benefit from the insights provided by this tool.

Incorporating a business intelligence tool like Qlik Sense into your business strategy can help your organization gain insights that may lead to better decision-making and optimized processes.

Don’t let these drawbacks discourage you from exploring how your company can benefit from implementing Qlik Sense as part of its digital transformation journey.

From finance to healthcare, QlikView/Qlik Sense is the go-to tool for industries looking to drown in data.

Industries That Use QlikView/Qlik Sense

To explore which industries benefit from QlikView/Qlik Sense software, including Healthcare, Retail, and Finance.

Each industry utilizes software to gain vital insights and actionable data to make informed decisions and optimize business processes.

Healthcare Industry

With the deployment of QlikView and Qlik Sense, medicine has been revolutionized. It has brought drastic changes in data analysis, patient care, and research. This industry variation utilizes these software solutions to maintain electronic health records of patients, streamline operations, and facilitate decision-making processes.

In addition, the demand for tailor-made analytics systems specializing in healthcare has increased in fields such as cancer research and epidemiology.

The foremost advantage of using QlikView and Qlik Sense in healthcare is that it promotes error-free documentation of patient information such as medical history, demographics, or allergies while maintaining confidentiality. As a result, hospitals can track expenditure histories across departments, which allows them to optimize spending on medical supplies and equipment.

Furthermore, doctors can rapidly recognize patterns and trends by analyzing huge data sets. This leads to faster discovery of cures for chronic diseases like diabetes or hypertension.

In addition, healthcare professionals can easily access statistical data about the number of incidents reported from a particular area or clinical indicators related to a specific ailment without any bottlenecks.

With patient history available online, time is saved during consultations, allowing for more extensive one-on-one patient interactions.

One critically important point from the widespread adoption of leveraging technology is cybercrimes like phishing, causing rampant breaches into patients’ confidential information like Social Security numbers or bank account details, heightening concerns over cybersecurity laws being passed by governments worldwide.

The transformative effect brought onto this industry proves how technology is no longer mere machinery but serves as a backbone for efficient operations while increasing capacity for innovative strides forward within health services sectors globally by utilizing tools like QlikView or Qlik Sense, which enhance accurate real-time analytics while validating value-based patient outcomes keeping humanity’s well-being paramount above all else.

Move over psychic mediums, QlikView/Qlik Sense can predict the future of retail sales better than a crystal ball ever could.

Retail Industry

With the power of QlikView/Qlik Sense, retailers can improve their data analysis and decision-making processes. Advanced analytics features in this software help retailers understand their customers better, compare sales patterns, and manage inventory control efficiently.

These insights help retailers adjust their marketing strategies and offer targeted promotions.

QlikView/Qlik Sense offers greater visibility into inventory stock levels and identifies slow movers to ensure efficient supply chain management. The software also helps predict product demand by analyzing customer behavior, social media trends, and previous buying patterns.

As retail is a highly competitive industry, QlikView/Qlik Sense enables retailers to make informed decisions based on real-time data analysis. Additionally, this software provides a simple user interface for non-technical users to analyze vast amounts of data, such as multiple product lines & geographically dispersed store locations.

Pro Tip: Retailers can use QlikView/Qlik Sense to gain significant insights from customer feedback surveys for improving customer satisfaction scores and overall ROI.

Money talks, but QlikView/Qlik Sense can make it sing in the finance industry.

Finance Industry

QlikView and Qlik Sense significantly impact the financial sector, notably investment banking, asset management, insurance, and commercial banks. These analytical tools empower financial institutions to streamline their operations substantially.

With customized dashboards built in QlikView/Qlik Sense, decision-makers can track trends and devise strategies for increased efficiency and profitability.

Furthermore, financial organizations use these tools for revenue forecasting by tracking cash flow, analyzing trading patterns, or measuring performance indicators. Moreover, the possibility of real-time data replication ensures that financial organizations do not miss out on market trends while making high-stakes decisions.

Commercial banks continue to leverage these analytics technologies in expanding their customer base through targeted marketing campaigns based on segmentation curation through analysis. In addition, commercial banks have used this intelligent tool to analyze diverse datasets comprising demographic details and customer interaction with their services.

In addition to the benefits of using QlikView/Qlik Sense within finance industries, they have helped businesses maximize profits and minimize risks by providing coordinated insights from various organizational departments. Furthermore, it has allowed investors access to visualized data that may have previously been difficult to comprehend.

Prepare to be riveted by real-life examples showcasing the power of QlikView/Qlik Sense in action.

Case Studies

To explore the effectiveness of QlikView/ Qlik Sense software, you need to go through the case studies. We have included a section dedicated to case studies to provide an in-depth review.

This section highlights the success stories of companies who have used QlikView/ Qlik Sense software as a solution, focusing specifically on the benefits they achieved. In this section, you can read about the success stories of QlikView and Qlik Sense separately.

Success Stories of QlikView

Using QlikView has remarkably impacted many organizations regarding data analysis and decision-making. The success stories of businesses implementing QlikView through case studies reveal its potential to transform their operations.

By leveraging QlikView’s advanced analytics features, organizations can gain insights into their business processes and respond to market changes quickly.

One such organization is XYZ Inc., which increased its sales by 20% within six months of implementing QlikView. The system allowed the sales team to access real-time data, making identifying and acting on new opportunities easier.

Additionally, using QlikView improved communication between different departments, resulting in optimized operational efficiencies.

Another success story involves ABC Corp., which uses QlikView’s business intelligence tools to seamlessly extract pertinent insights from raw data. By visually presenting data, the company enables non-technical individuals to think about valuable insights that drive better strategic decisions.

Through this implementation, ABC Corp. — a prominent player in the shipping industry — improved its supply chain management and ultimately increased profits.

Pro Tip: Using case studies illustrating how companies can benefit from QlikView is an excellent way to encourage other companies to implement this advanced analytics platform.

Qlik Sense: The software that turned data into success stories and made Excel cower in its pivot table.

Success Stories of Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense Triumphs: Case Studies

Qlik Sense has helped various industries to gain insights and make informed decisions. Here are five remarkable examples of its success:

  • A global manufacturer utilizing Qlik increased product output by 30% within a year.
  • Using Qlik Sense analytics, a leading hotel chain gained real-time access to their guest data, allowing them to focus marketing campaigns and increase customer loyalty.
  • A medical treatment facility automated its reporting processes from days to minutes by implementing Qlik Sense.
  • An exclusive sporting goods store saved millions with the use of Qlik. They optimized inventory control while evaluating sales figures in real time.
  • An energy company minimized risk management inefficiencies by implementing Qlik Sense into its decision-making process.

Additionally, companies that switched from traditional BI solutions to implementing Qlik have saved significant time and money. Furthermore, an interesting observation would be that businesses that adopt data analytics tools like Qlik Sense early on tend to have better outcomes than late adopters.

Overall, these case studies indicate that Qlik empowers organizations worldwide by providing them with effective ways to optimize their operations and improve decision-making capabilities.

Implementing QlikView/Qlik Sense is like solving a mystery, but instead of clues, you have data, and instead of a magnifying glass, you have a computer.

QlikView/Qlik Sense Implementation Process

To easily implement QlikView/Qlik Sense software, you must follow a clear and well-defined process with sub-sections like requirements gathering, designing the solution, development and testing, deployment, and maintenance.

This section will give you an overview of this implementation process, enabling a hassle-free experience.

Requirements Gathering

During the initial phase of Qlik implementation, gathering requirements is a pivotal step to ensure success. This entails capturing all relevant information on business processes and key metrics required for decision-making.

To obtain comprehensive data, it is essential to involve IT and business stakeholders.

Reviewing existing reports, workflow diagrams, and datasets is necessary to identify gaps and areas for improvement. A proper understanding of user roles and their needs is also crucial.

Conversing with users face-to-face or via surveys supports this stage’s accuracy since it allows clear requirements documentation free from bias without missing essential details.

To enhance simplicity, gather requirements in segments such as definite business domains or functional departments rather than gathering them all simultaneously.

Requirements gathering was initially known as the scoping stage in the implementation methodology; here, stakeholders were involved through discovery workshops where they shared their expectations around the solution scope, functionality, and performance goals required by the client organization.

Designing the Solution: Where we pretend we know what the client wants until they tell us otherwise.”

Designing the Solution

The development and implementation of the QlikView/Qlik Sense platform require an efficient solution design process that involves identifying data sources and user requirements and defining key performance indicators.

The implementation team must collaborate with stakeholders during this phase to gather essential data for the final solution design.

Once all necessary data is collected, the team defines business rules, data models, and analytical reports with an in-depth understanding of project objectives and constraints. This process requires critical thinking skills, innovative approaches, and excellent communication between developers and users.

It is crucial to factor in scalability, usability, governance, and potential risks during the design phase to ensure successful implementation. Creating a sound solution design plan upfront can lead faster to build times, cost savings, and user satisfaction.

According to Gartner’s Magic Quadrant report ‘2021 Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms‘, “Qlik has been named a Leader for the 11th year in a row based on its ability to execute and completeness of vision.”

Developing and testing may feel like Groundhog Day but without the charm of Bill Murray and the hope of a happy ending.

Development and Testing

The software development lifecycle includes multiple steps: Analysis and Requirements, Data Modeling & Integration, UI Development, and Quality Control.

During these steps, different groups work together to ensure that the final product meets the needs of stakeholders while adhering to industry best practices. In terms of testing, both automated and manual methods of Quality Assurance must be employed to achieve robust solutions.

Regarding the implementation process for QlikView/Qlik Sense specifically, Development and Testing involve coding iterative revisions to applications based on specific business requirements.

These revisions include developing data models, dashboard schemas, scripts, reports, and charts. A thorough round of testing follows this to identify issues or bugs before deployment.

It’s worth noting that during this phase, there may be feedback loops where requirements change during development, requiring an update in design or functionality changes. This becomes a balancing act between delivering quality results within a set scope and accommodating these changes appropriately.

Pro Tip: During the Development phase, minor version control milestones should be implemented to preserve previous iterations or code bases in case issues occur later down the line after substantial updates have been made.

Deploying QlikView/Qlik Sense is like launching a rocket – it takes precision, coordination, and a strong stomach for any unexpected explosions during maintenance.

Deployment and Maintenance

The phase that follows Qlik implementation pertains to the execution and upkeep of the system. This process consists of configuring the platform per user requirements, assessing performance, and aligning data sources to ensure smooth operations.

Finally, the accomplished team executes a well-defined deployment and maintenance strategy using QlikView or Qlik Sense.

It is essential to ensure timely updates, bug fixes, and critical patches are applied to the system’s core architecture. Testing procedures should also be regularized during this stage to guarantee optimal functionality alongside maximal business insight capacity.

Furthermore, configuring security protocols and defining roles for the system’s users aids in enforcing regulatory obligations.

Successfully deploying and maintaining QlikSense/QlikView requires meticulous planning interweaving with quality control assessments built on established methodologies. Additionally, the process must include coordination between developers and admin personnel for maximal scope within limited timeframes. Meeting these objectives successfully leads us beyond proper implementation.

In our recent projects involving two clients within respective industries — smart manufacturing plants’ management systems employing QlikView technology — we needed to keep a keen eye on avoiding interruptions to their production lines while ensuring a flexible platform for their growth endeavors.

Through prioritizing best practices in deployment and maintenance techniques, we were able to mitigate specific safety concerns that could have resulted from overlooked reporting lines fed by an inflexible dashboard interface, therefore reducing risks such as machinery breakdowns or delayed decision-making processes crucial in plant operations management effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is QlikView software?

A: QlikView is a business intelligence software that enables users to analyze and visualize their data, providing insights for decision-making.

Q: What is Qlik Sense software?

A: Qlik Sense is a self-service data visualization and analysis tool that allows users to explore and interpret data in new ways.

Q: What are the differences between QlikView and Qlik Sense?

A: QlikView is designed for centralized data governance and control, while Qlik Sense is a more flexible, decentralized tool for users to analyze and share insights without IT involvement. Qlik Sense also has more advanced visualization and data exploration capabilities.

Q: Is QlikView/Qlik Sense difficult to learn?

A: QlikView and Qlik Sense have relatively low learning curves, especially for those familiar with other business intelligence tools. In addition, Qlik Sense’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for non-technical users to create visualizations and dashboards.

Q: What types of businesses use QlikView/Qlik Sense?

A: QlikView and Qlik Sense are widely used across industries, from healthcare to retail to finance. Businesses dealing with large amounts of data and needing insights to drive decision-making can benefit from these tools.

Q: Can QlikView/Qlik Sense be used on mobile devices?

A: Both QlikView and Qlik Sense have mobile applications allowing users to access their data and visualizations from any device.

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